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English Script Request

Complete / 1187 Words
by toregan01 -

[movie clip]

KS: Will you tell me the truth?
RP: No, probably not. I'd rather hear your theories.
KS:I have considered... radioactive spiders,and kryptonite.
RP:That's all superhero stuff right? What if I'm not the hero... what if I'm... the bad guy.
KS: You're not.

Interviewer: I just recently moved, from Portland Oregon, so I wanna know how ya love the.. rainy weather up there (?)
KS: I really loved Portland. I had a really good time in Portland, it's a cool town. Um, but the weather is, annoying (laughs).
Interviewer: I try to explain to people, and I just... that in the course of a day you can have five seasons, pretty much. I don't know how you got any filming done.
KS: Yeah I know, we had to jump around, every five minutes the weather changed.
Interviewer: Yeah. Now, you did uh... I would imagine if you were afraid of heights you'd have had a problem with this role, because especially like, working in the trees... was that uh, a little different?
KS: Yeah. I mean, we were on a platform, and we were also like on a cliff, which gave the illusion of being in a tree, like, really like, up at the top of the tree, even though, we weren't. Um, and there was like, a couple of days of being in a harness, attached to Rob. Uh... t was really cool that we didn't have to be on a green screen! I mean, most of this, you read the script and you're like, oh-kay, effects movie, green screen movie... but we didn't have the money to do that, we really pulled it off in person, so..
Interviewer: But the wire work though,I mean that... is that... exhausting, I've always heard people say how tiring it is, just hanging around...
KS: It really is. Yeah. Pressure points, armpits, it starts to kill.
Interview: After a while. And the other thing is, I was just telling uh,Rochelle and Eddie about this,they were... you were filming a lot in the woods, I asked, did anybody check ya for tics? 'Cause I...
KS: Ohmygod. I HATE tics! I can't...
Interviewer: They were like, 'What?! Tics?!' I'm like, yeah, every time you take your dog in the woods in Portland you gotta check'em 'cos they always have tics all over, and they didn't know, so somebody er, blindsided them with that, I would imagine er...

[~ 2.00]

by Apaulsen -

Kristen: Yeah, actors are very sheltered. You don't want to freak out the actors because they'll have nervous breakdowns and ruin you're whole day of shooting, because we're very fragile creatures, so...
Interviewer: I kept thinking that too, because that scene where you're lying in the woods, or you're in the woods (?) that i cringe, ;cause uh...that's all I think about when I'm in there
KS: Yeah because of spiders and...tics and... bloodsucking creatures.
Interviewer: Now we know that uh..I guess we could say that Edward's character is a tortured soul but, was Bella a tortured soul as well, you think?
KS: No not at all. She' the beginning of the movie, as much as everybody says "Oh, she's an outsider, she doesn't really know how she fits in." She is perfectly fine with that! And she just really is like, fine with being solitary. SHe's not, like, searching for something in the beginning of the movie. It's a skewed balance, I mean. She helps him, he doesn't really help her.
Interviewer: You know,she has the greatest entrance, too, to Edward too. Walking in front of the fan with the hair blowing. I thought that was uh...really funny but uh, like, I was not aware of Twilight. Never heard about it
KS: Me neither.
Interviewer: But once you hear about it, it's frickin' everywhere.
KS; I know, I know. The second I signed on to the movie and I went back to LA from Pittsburgh, I was doing another movie when I auditioned for it. Catherine came to Pittsburgh and we worked for four hours in this room. Um. And then when I came back I was like "Oh wow, it's really everywhere." Like once you're aware of it, it just slaps you in the face, like, everywhere you go.

by Thomas -

Interviewer: I imagine the fans are coming out of the woodworks too. Probably more than you care to... you said Pittsburgh. I actually live in Pittsburgh now. What were you doing in Pittsburgh?

KS: Moved from Portland to Pittsburgh.

Interviewer: I've been stalking you.

KS: You have been. But like in a reverse way.

Interviewer: Ok, you were doing that before. What was going on in Pittsburgh?

KS: A movie called Adventureland. Greg Mottola who directed Superbad. It's his second movie. It's not like a broad comedy. It is funny at times but it's really sweet. It's more of like a "dramedy".

Interviewer: What time of the year were you there?

KS: Halloween. Last year.

Interviewer: Oh, Halloween. Ok. That's not too bad. Chilly, but not (too). Did Pittsburgh treat you well?

KS; Oh yeah. Yeah. Pittsburgh was fun too. Pittsburgh was like, like real ci..not a city but just like a town. Like living in an American town. It was kinda cool. I liked it.

Interviewer: Now, what'd you find out? Like I said, they're everywhere. Did you read all through the books or anything? Because now I'm kinda interested in finding out more but there's a part of me that kinda just wants to wait for the movie.

KS: Uhm. I. I mean, like how similar are they? They're sorta the same. It's funny. It's a 500 page book condensed into an hour and a half or whatever the movie is. But there's nothing from the book, and I care about the book just as much as the rabid fans, that I feel like we didn't get to experience that and I'm really disappointed. It really is like all of the iconic scenes are in the movie. And the essence and the feeling is really, and really I mean I think, there.

Interviewer: Was the rehearsal for the kiss - the slowest attempt of a kiss I think I've ever seen on screen it seems like.

KS: I know.

Interviewer: Did you guys actually rehearse how slow that was going to be? (mumbling) or what were you doing?

KS: Uh yeah, absolutely. We had an entire day to do that scene.

Interviewer: It probably took an entire day to film, didn't it?

KS: Yeah. Two takes later and it's like lunch, and then. Uhm, yeah. That was one of the scariest shoons...ah "shoons". I've been talking a lot. SCENES to shoot. It needed to be really specific, because vampires don't exist, right? And so you don't know what it feels like to be around one or to .. let alone have like that connection. So we wanted it to be really, really hard and it was really stressful to get it right, to have like the responsiveness be really specific and like acute and noticeable. Uhm, so.

Interviewer: I look forward to seeing the next one.


June 17, 2011

Sorry about the transcriptions displaying out of order. We've found the problem and will fix it soon!

June 17, 2011

Thomas, no need to say sorry. These minor hitches are no issues for us given that what a great service you are lending to language learners from all over the world. Keep up the good work!

June 17, 2011

Bug fixed, transcriptions should be in the correct order now!

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