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Arabic Audio Request

9 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please speak slowly and clearly with some pathos and gravitas, but don't overdo it :)

The last word "human" could be changed to...
a) humans
b) humanity
c) mankind

I would love to hear a male, a female and a child's voice. This is for a multilingual university project. I am very grateful for your help!!!

We hope, we dream, we love. We are human.


  • Humanity ( recorded by goodnesses ), unspecified accent

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  • Humanity ( recorded by yourperfectguide ), standard

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    Corrected Text

    We hope, we dream, we love. We are human.
    نحن نتمنّى ، نحن نحلم ، نحن نحب . نحن بشر


Oct. 17, 2016

I would love to hear the same text spoken in Arabic by a female and a child.


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