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Arabic Audio Request

890 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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وَ and
مَرْيَمَ Mariam
الَّتِي which
مِنْ from/who
كَانَتْ was (f)
رَبُّهَا Her lord
عِمْرَان Imran
إِذْ when
رَبِّ My Lord
مَا what
فِيْ in
لَيْسَ not
العَلِيم the knowledgeable
قَالَتْ she said
الشَّيْطَان the shaytan
حَسَن good
زَكَرِيَّا Zakaria
هَا her/it
كَ you
مَنْ from/who
عِندَ near/at/with
رِزْق provisions
قَالَ he said
يا O (referring to someone)
هَذَا this
هُوَ he/it
رَبُّهُ his Lord
ذُرِّيَّة offspring
سَمِيع hear
أَنَّ that
يَحْيَىٰ Yahya
كَلِمَة a word
نَبِيّ Prophet
إِنَّكَ No doubt you
المَلائِكَة the angels
عَلى on
نِسَاء women
العَالَمِيْن the two worlds
مَعَ with
الله Allah
الكِتَاب the book
فَ so/then
أَهْل people
رَسُوْل Prophet
الرَّحْمن the merciful
إِنْ that
إِنَّمَا rather
رَبُّكَ your Lord
عِيسَى Esa
الدُّنْيَا this world
الآخِرَة here after
نَاس people
إِذَا when
أَمْر command
لَمْ did not
إِلى to
قَبْلَ before
تَحْتَ after
قَدْ when
جَعَلَ made
أَحَد one
لِ to
لَ for
لَنْ will not
يَوم day
بَشَر humans
قَوْم people
قَالُوا they said
أَبُو father
شَيْء thing/something
كَيْفَ how
عَبْد slave
نِي me
الصَّلَاةِ prayer
الزَّكَاة zakat
السَّلاَم peace
أَيْنَ where
إِبْرَاهِيْم Ibrahim
المُشْرِكِيْنَ the polytheists
شَاكِر thankful
صِراط path
مُسْتَقِيْم straight
لَمَّا when
الَّليْل the night
رَبِّي my Lord
القَمَر the moon
الضَّالِّينَ astray
الشَّمْس the sun
أَكْبَر greater
السَّمَاوَات the heavens/sky
الأَرْض the land/earth
أَنْتُمْ you all
آبَاءُنَا our fathers
آبَائُكُمْ your fathers
هَذِهِ this (feminine)
كُمْ All of you/your(plural)
هُمْ they
كَبِير big
فَعَلَ did
آلِهَة gods
نَا we/our
أَ was it/is it/do/?/how/have
أَنْتَ you
أَنْفُس selves
هُمْ they
ثُمَّ then
هَـٰؤُلَاءِ these
مِنْ دُونِ instead/other/besides
نَار fire
الَّذِي the one who
أَنْ to
أَنَا I
سَ will…
الحَمْد praise
إِسْمَاعِيل Ismail
إِسْحَاق Ishaq
الدُّعَاءِ supplication
مُؤمِنِين believer
الْحِسَاب the account
غَيْر without/other than/
بَيْت house
الثَّمَرَات fruits
لَعَلَّ so that
بَلَغَ reached
انْظُرْ look! (Command)
مَاذَا what
شَاءَ wills
الْمُبِين clear
إنَّا certainly we
كَذَلِكَ just like that
الْمُحْسِنِيْن the good doers
عَظِيْم great
عِبَاد slave/servant
نَجْزِي we reward
إنَّهُ certainly he/it
الرَّحِيم the most merciful
أُمَّة nation
الحِكْمَة wisdom
العَزِيْز the all mighty
الحَكِيم the wise
آيَاتُكَ your signs
كَلِمَات word
الظَّالِمِيْنَ the wrong doers
بَيْتِي my house
مَقَام standing place
مُصَلَّى place of prayer
السُّجُود prostration
الْآخِر the last
عَنْ from/about
نَفْس himself/self/soul
الصَّالِحِيْنَ the righteous
أَعْلَم I know
تَعْلَمُونَ you all know
عَلَّمَ to learn/taught
آدَم Adam
الْأَسْمَاء the names
هَـٰؤُلَاءِ these
كُنتُمْ you all were
صَادِقِينَ trustworthy/truthful ones
سُبْحَانَ praise
عِلْم knowledge
نَحْنُ We
غَيْب unseen
رُّوح soul/spirit
سَجَدَ prostration
كُلُّ all of
إِبْلِيْس Iblis
الْكَافِرِينَ the disbeliever
اسْتَكْبَرَ arrogant
أَمْ or
خَيْر better
رَجِيْم accursed
الدِّيْن recompense/the judgement
بَيْنَ between
أَيْدِي hands
أَكْثَر most
الْقِيَامَة resurrection
قَلِيل few/little
جَهَنَّم Hellfire
جَزَاء recompense
الْأَمْوَال wealth
سُلْطَان authority
كَفَىٰ sufficient
وَكِيل disposer of affairs
غُرُور deception
زَوْج spouse
الْجَنَّة The Heavens
حَيْثُ wherever
عَدُوّ enemy
كُمَا both of you
الشَّجَرَة tree
قُلْنَا we said
هُمَا both of them
سَوْآت private parts
الْخَالِدِينَ ones who abide forever
أَوْ or
بَعْض some
مَتَاع provision
حِين time
التَّوَّاب the acceptor of repentance
جَمِيع all
هُدًى guidance
خَوْف fear
اللَّهُـمّ O Allah
تَبَارَك blessed
اسْم name
تَعـَالَى exalted
جَـدّ majesty
إِلٰه God
بِسْم in the name
مَالِك Master
إِيَّا alone
نَعْبُد we worship
نَسْتَعِين we ask for help
اِهْد guide
أَنْعَمْت you have blessed
الْمَغْضُوب displeased
وَ by/and
الْعَصْر the passage of time
الْإِنسَان humanity
خُسْر loss
آمَنُوا trust/have faith
عَمِلُوا do
تَوَاصَوْا urge each other
الْحَقّ truth
الصَّبْر perseverance
سَمِـعَ hear
كَثِيرا abundant
طَيِّب good
مُبَارَك blessed
الأَعْلَى the most high
اغْفِرْ forgive
التَّحِيَّات All greetings of humility
أَيُّهَا O
بَرَكَات blessings
أَشْهَدُ I bear witness
مُحَمَّد Muhammad
صَلِّ bestow your favor
آلِ family
كَمَا as
صَلَّيْتَ you have bestowed your favor
حَميد praiseworthy
مَجِيد most glorious
بَارِكْ bless
بَارَكْتَ you have blessed
قُلْ say
يَكُنْ is
لَهُ to Him
أَعُوْذُ I seek refugee
بِرَبِّ with the Lord
الفَلَق daybreak
شَرِّ harm
خَلَقَ He has created
مَلِك Controller/Master
صُدُور hearts
الجِنَّة heaven
تَرَ see
أَصْحَاب companions
الفِيل elephant
كَيْدَهُم their plans
أَرسَلَ he sent
طَيرًا birds
حِجَارَة pellets
يَعْبُدُوا worship
جُوْع hunger
أَرَأَيتَ have you considered
يُكَذِّبُ denies
اليَتِيم the orphan
طَعام to feed
فَوَيلٌ so woe
ٱلْكَوْثَرَ abundance
الكَافِرُونَ the disbeliever
تَعْبُدُونَ you (all) worship
أَعْبُدُ I worship
عَابِدُونَ worshipers
لَكُم for you (all)
لِي for me
جاءَ comes
نَصْرُ help
الفَتْحُ the conquest
يَدْخُلُونَ entering
سَبِّح celebrate
اسْتَغْفِرْهُ ask His forgiveness
تَوّابًا ready to accept repentance
يَدَا hands
أَغْنَىٰ benefit
عَنْهُ to him
مَالَهُۥ his wealth
كَسَبَ gains
ذَاتَ that is
ٱمْرَأَتَهُۥ his wife
حَبْلٌ rope
وُسْعَ capacity
تَحْمِلْ burden
أَرْحَمُ have mercy
مَوْئِلًا Protector
انْصُرْ help
قُلُوبٌ hearts
بَعْدَ after
هَبْ grant
لَّدُنْ from
رَيْبَ doubt
يُخْلِفُ breaks
ٱلْمِيعَادَ promise
جُنُوبِ sides
يَتَفَكَّرُونَ reflect
سَمِعْنَا we have heard
يُنَادِي calling
إِيمَٰنُ faith
ءَامَنَّا we have believed
ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِ evil deeds
رُسُل Messenger
ٱلْقَرْيَةَ town
أَجَعَلَ make
وَلِىُّ protector
نَصِيرٍ helper
قَضَى commanded
وَٰلِدَانِ parents
إِمَّا whether
ٱلْإِحْسَٰنُ good
قَوْل word
كَرِيمٌ noble
جَنَاحَ wing
ٱلرَّحْمَةَ mercy
عَسَى may
يَبْعَث raise
أَدْخِلْ enter
أَخْرِجْ exit
صِدْق truth
يَمْشُونَ those who walk
سُجَّدًا prostrating
وَصَّيْنَا we have enjoined
حَمْل bearing
شَهْرٌ months
أَشُدَّهُۥ manhood
سَنَة years
نِعْمَتَ favor
صَٰلِحًا righteous
إِلَيْكَ to you
دَيارَ homes
فَضْل favour
رِضْوَٰنَ approval
يَجِدُونَ they find
أُوتُوا۟ given
ٱلْمُفْلِحُونَ successful
سَبَق preceded
رَءُوفٌ compassionate
ٱلْحَىَّ Living
تَأْخُذْ Take
ذَا is (the one)
إِذْنِ Permission
يَعْلَمُ He knows
خَلْفَ behind
وَسِعَ Extends
ٱلْعَلِىِّ High
نَادَىٰ called
مَسَّ touched
ٱلضُّرَّ adversity
ٱلرَّٰحِمِينَ the Merciful


  • Qur'anic words ( recorded by Shoda ), Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, British English

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    وَ and
    مَرْيَمَ Mariam
    الَّتِي which
    مِنْ from/who
    كَانَتْ was (f)
    رَبُّهَا Her lord
    عِمْرَان Imran
    إِذْ when
    رَبِّ My Lord
    مَا what
    فِيْ in
    لَيْسَ not
    العَلِيم the knowledgeable
    قَالَتْ she said
    الشَّيْطَان the shaytan
    حَسَن good
    زَكَرِيَّا Zakaria
    هَا her/it
    كَ you
    مَنْ from/who
    عِندَ near/at/with
    رِزْق provisions
    قَالَ he said
    يا O (referring to someone)
    هَذَا this
    هُوَ he/it
    رَبُّهُ his Lord
    ذُرِّيَّة offspring
    سَمِيع hear
    أَنَّ that
    يَحْيَىٰ Yahya
    كَلِمَة a word
    نَبِيّ Prophet
    إِنَّكَ No doubt you
    المَلائِكَة the angels
    عَلى on
    نِسَاء women
    العَالَمِيْن the two worlds
    مَعَ with
    الله Allah
    الكِتَاب the book
    فَ so/then
    أَهْل people
    رَسُوْل Prophet
    الرَّحْمن the merciful
    إِنْ that
    إِنَّمَا rather
    رَبُّكَ your Lord
    عِيسَى Esa
    الدُّنْيَا this world
    الآخِرَة here after
    نَاس people
    إِذَا when
    أَمْر command
    لَمْ did not
    إِلى to
    قَبْلَ before
    تَحْتَ after
    قَدْ when
    جَعَلَ made
    أَحَد one
    لِ to
    لَ for
    لَنْ will not
    يَوم day
    بَشَر humans
    قَوْم people
    قَالُوا they said
    أَبُو father
    شَيْء thing/something
    كَيْفَ how
    عَبْد slave
    لِي me
    الصَّلَاةِ prayer
    الزَّكَاة zakat
    السَّلاَم peace
    أَيْنَ where
    إِبْرَاهِيْم Ibrahim
    المُشْرِكِيْنَ the polytheists
    شَاكِر thankful
    صِراط path
    مُسْتَقِيْم straight
    لَمَّا when
    الَّليْل the night
    رَبِّي my Lord
    القَمَر the moon
    الضَّالِّينَ astray
    الشَّمْس the sun
    أَكْبَر greater
    السَّمَاوَات the heavens/sky
    الأَرْض the land/earth
    أَنْتُمْ you all
    آبَاءُنَا our fathers
    آبَائُكُمْ your fathers
    هَذِهِ this (feminine)
    كُمْ All of you/your(plural)
    هُمْ they
    كَبِير big
    فَعَلَ did
    آلِهَة gods
    نَا we/our
    أَ was it/is it/do/?/how/have
    أَنْتَ you
    أَنْفُس selves
    هُمْ they
    ثُمَّ then
    هَـٰؤُلَاءِ these
    مِنْ دُونِ instead/other/besides
    نَار fire
    الَّذِي the one who
    أَنْ to
    أَنَا I
    سَ will…
    الحَمْد praise
    إِسْمَاعِيل Ismail
    إِسْحَاق Ishaq
    الدُّعَاءِ supplication
    مُؤمِنِين believer
    الْحِسَاب the account
    غَيْر without/other than/
    بَيْت house
    الثَّمَرَات fruits
    لَعَلَّ so that
    بَلَغَ reached
    انْظُرْ look! (Command)
    مَاذَا what
    شَاءَ wills
    الْمُبِين clear
    إنَّا certainly we
    كَذَلِكَ just like that
    الْمُحْسِنِيْن the good doers
    عَظِيْم great
    عِبَاد slave/servant
    نَجْزِي we reward
    إنَّهُ certainly he/it
    الرَّحِيم the most merciful
    أُمَّة nation
    الحِكْمَة wisdom
    العَزِيْز the all mighty
    الحَكِيم the wise
    آيَاتُكَ your signs
    كَلِمَات word
    الظَّالِمِيْنَ the wrong doers
    بَيْتِي my house
    مَقَام standing place
    مُصَلَّى place of prayer
    السُّجُود prostration
    الْآخِر the last
    عَنْ from/about
    نَفْس himself/self/soul
    الصَّالِحِيْنَ the righteous
    أَعْلَم I know
    تَعْلَمُونَ you all know
    عَلَّمَ to learn/taught
    آدَم Adam
    الْأَسْمَاء the names
    هَـٰؤُلَاءِ these
    كُنتُمْ you all were
    صَادِقِينَ trustworthy/truthful ones
    سُبْحَانَ praise
    عِلْم knowledge
    نَحْنُ We
    غَيْب unseen
    رُّوح soul/spirit
    سَجَدَ prostration
    كُلُّ all of
    إِبْلِيْس Iblis
    الْكَافِرِينَ the disbeliever
    اسْتَكْبَرَ arrogant
    أَمْ or
    خَيْر better
    رَجِيْم accursed
    الدِّيْن recompense/the judgement
    بَيْنَ between
    أَيْدِي hands
    أَكْثَر most
    الْقِيَامَة resurrection
    قَلِيل few/little
    جَهَنَّم Hellfire
    جَزَاء recompense
    الْأَمْوَال wealth
    سُلْطَان authority
    كَفَىٰ sufficient
    وَكِيل disposer of affairs
    غُرُور deception
    زَوْج spouse
    الْجَنَّة The Heavens
    حَيْثُ wherever
    عَدُوّ enemy
    كُمَا both of you
    الشَّجَرَة tree
    قُلْنَا we said
    هُمَا both of them
    سَوْآت private parts
    الْخَالِدِينَ ones who abide forever
    أَوْ or
    بَعْض some
    مَتَاع provision
    حِين time
    التَّوَّاب the acceptor of repentance
    جَمِيع all
    هُدًى guidance
    خَوْف fear
    اللَّهُـمّ O Allah
    تَبَارَك blessed
    اسْم name
    تَعـَالَى exalted
    جَـدّ majesty
    إِلٰه God
    بِسْم in the name
    مَالِك Master
    إِيَّا alone
    نَعْبُد we worship
    نَسْتَعِين we ask for help
    اِهْد guide
    أَنْعَمْت you have blessed
    الْمَغْضُوب displeased
    وَ by/and
    الْعَصْر the passage of time
    الْإِنسَان humanity
    خُسْر loss
    آمَنُوا trust/have faith
    عَمِلُوا do
    تَوَاصَوْا urge each other
    الْحَقّ truth
    الصَّبْر perseverance
    سَمِـعَ hear
    كَثِيرا abundant
    طَيِّب good
    مُبَارَك blessed
    الأَعْلَى the most high
    اغْفِرْ forgive
    التَّحِيَّات All greetings of humility
    أَيُّهَا O
    بَرَكَات blessings
    أَشْهَدُ I bear witness
    مُحَمَّد Muhammad
    صَلِّ bestow your favor
    آلِ family
    كَمَا as
    صَلَّيْتَ you have bestowed your favor
    حَميد praiseworthy
    مَجِيد most glorious
    بَارِكْ bless
    بَارَكْتَ you have blessed
    قُلْ say
    يَكُنْ is
    لَهُ to Him
    أَعُوْذُ I seek refugee
    بِرَبِّ with the Lord
    الفَلَق daybreak
    شَرِّ harm
    خَلَقَ He has created
    مَلِك Controller/Master
    صُدُور hearts
    الجِنَّة heaven
    تَرَ see
    أَصْحَاب companions
    الفِيل elephant
    كَيْدَهُم their plans
    أَرسَلَ he sent
    طَيرًا birds
    حِجَارَة pellets
    يَعْبُدُوا worship
    جُوْع hunger
    أَرَأَيتَ have you considered
    يُكَذِّبُ denies
    اليَتِيم the orphan
    طَعام to feed
    فَوَيلٌ so woe
    ٱلْكَوْثَرَ abundance
    الكَافِرُونَ the disbeliever
    تَعْبُدُونَ you (all) worship
    أَعْبُدُ I worship
    عَابِدُونَ worshipers
    لَكُم for you (all)
    لِي for me
    جاءَ comes
    نَصْرُ help
    الفَتْحُ the conquest
    يَدْخُلُونَ entering
    سَبِّح celebrate
    اسْتَغْفِرْهُ ask His forgiveness
    تَوّابًا ready to accept repentance
    يَدَا hands
    أَغْنَىٰ benefit
    عَنْهُ to him
    مَالَهُۥ his wealth
    كَسَبَ gains
    ذَاتَ that is
    ٱمْرَأَتَهُۥ his wife
    حَبْلٌ rope
    وُسْعَ capacity
    تَحْمِلْ burden
    أَرْحَمُ have mercy
    مَوْئِلًا Protector
    انْصُرْ help
    قُلُوبٌ hearts
    بَعْدَ after
    هَبْ grant
    لَّدُنْ from
    رَيْبَ doubt
    يُخْلِفُ breaks
    ٱلْمِيعَادَ promise
    جُنُوبِ sides
    يَتَفَكَّرُونَ reflect
    سَمِعْنَا we have heard
    يُنَادِي calling
    إِيمَٰنُ faith
    ءَامَنَّا we have believed
    ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِ evil deeds
    رُسُل Messenger
    ٱلْقَرْيَةَ town
    أَجَعَلَ make
    وَلِىُّ protector
    نَصِيرٍ helper
    قَضَى commanded
    وَٰلِدَانِ parents
    إِمَّا whether
    ٱلْإِحْسَٰنُ good
    قَوْل word
    كَرِيمٌ noble
    جَنَاحَ wing
    ٱلرَّحْمَةَ mercy
    عَسَى may
    يَبْعَث raise
    أَدْخِلْ enter
    أَخْرِجْ exit
    صِدْق truth
    يَمْشُونَ those who walk
    سُجَّدًا prostrating
    وَصَّيْنَا we have enjoined
    حَمْل bearing
    شَهْرٌ months
    أَشُدَّهُۥ manhood
    سَنَة years
    نِعْمَتَ favor
    صَٰلِحًا righteous
    إِلَيْكَ to you
    دَيارَ homes
    فَضْل favour
    رِضْوَٰنَ approval
    يَجِدُونَ they find
    أُوتُوا۟ given
    ٱلْمُفْلِحُونَ successful
    سَبَق preceded
    رَءُوفٌ compassionate
    ٱلْحَىَّ Living
    تَأْخُذْ Take
    ذَا is (the one)
    إِذْنِ Permission
    يَعْلَمُ He knows
    خَلْفَ behind
    وَسِعَ Extends
    ٱلْعَلِىِّ High
    نَادَىٰ called
    مَسَّ touched
    ٱلضُّرَّ adversity
    ٱلرَّٰحِمِينَ the Merciful


May 5, 2020

آمل أن أكون قد ساعدتك و أسف علي التأخير :)

July 22, 2020

Sorry for the late response. A lot has been going on the last few months and I just got a chance to work on this. Thank you very much. It was a long recording and you did an amazing job. We will benefit much from this. May Allah bless your efforts!