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English Audio Request

464 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read naturally but not too fast as this is intented for esl learners. If you see any mistake in the script, feel free to amend it. Please do not read "officere and "suspect" at the beginning of each dialogue. Thanks for your help!


Suspect questioned: Michael OWENS

Officer questioning the suspect: Insp. T. Sawyer

Questioning at the suspect’s apartment

Officer: Hello, Mr Owens, please have a seat. We would like to question you about the events that happened very recently at the corner of Houston Street and 2nd Avenue. We’ve looked at your file and gathered some information, so that we’ll get down to business straight away. We have determined that the murder was committed yesterday evening. Could you tell us what you were doing at that time?

Suspect: Yesterday? I was at Grand Central. I wanted to be around the No Sheep Shop, a pet shop I often go to. They didn’t have any goldfish in stock! That’s outrageous! I left pretty angry. So I stayed around to check if they received any goldfish later. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to buy some, you see? There’s a lot of competition in that field…

Officer: Did you know the victim? His name was James Barnes. Here’s a picture of him.

Suspect: Yes, I know this man. I met him once. He sold me an apartment a couple of months ago. But I had forgotten his name.

Officer: Why did you move?

Suspect: Well, I had a very nice apartment on 23th Street but you see, my neighbour, Rosa Clintough, had a cat. And cats are very bad for my goldfish. They increase their stress and make them secrete hormones that are bad for their health.

Officer: Do you know Kevin Evans?

Suspect: Yes, of course. Mr Evans is one of my patients. I see him every other week. Last time was yesterday afternoon. He stayed for an hour. However I can’t tell you anything about what we talked about: doctor/patient confidentiality.

Officer: Do you have a weapon, Mr Owens?

Suspect: I wouldn’t call it a weapon. I always have my fishing knife with me. It’s very sharp. I use it to kill and open the fish I catch. Did I tell you I love fishing?

Officer: Do you have a pet?

Suspect: 439 actually. Goldfish. They aren’t really pets, they’re more like flatmates. They live here with me, they’re like friends, very close friends.

Officer: 439? That’s a lot!

Suspect: What?! How dare you judge me! You don’t know anything about me or my life!

Officer: Well, thank you for your time and cooperation. As a suspect, you are not allowed to leave New York City. I must also tell you that you can call a lawyer if you want to. That will be all, Mr Owens. Oops!

Suspect: You idiot! Look what you’ve done! You’ve just killed Clive! Murderer! Killer! What people say about the police is true! Leave my apartment right now or I’ll… Hey! Don’t touch me!


  • Murder party 2 ( recorded by kee ), Yorkshire, north of England

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    Suspect questioned: Michael OWENS

    Officer questioning the suspect: Insp. T. Sawyer

    Questioning at the suspect’s apartment

    Hello, Mr Owens, please have a seat. We would like to question you about the events that happened very recently at the corner of Houston Street and 2nd Avenue. We’ve looked at your file and gathered some information, so that we’ll get down to business straight away. We have determined that the murder was committed yesterday evening. Could you tell us what you were doing at that time?

    Yesterday? I was at Grand Central. I wanted to be around the No Sheep Shop, a pet shop I often go to. They didn’t have any goldfish in stock! That’s outrageous! I left pretty angry. So I stayed around to check if they received any goldfish later. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to buy some, you see? There’s a lot of competition in that field…

    Did you know the victim? His name was James Barnes. Here’s a picture of him.

    Yes, I know this man. I met him once. He sold me an apartment a couple of months ago. But I had forgotten his name.

    Why did you move?

    Well, I had a very nice apartment on 23th Street but you see, my neighbour, Rosa Clintough, had a cat. And cats are very bad for my goldfish. They increase their stress and make them secrete hormones that are bad for their health.

    Do you know Kevin Evans?

    Yes, of course. Mr Evans is one of my patients. I see him every other week. Last time was yesterday afternoon. He stayed for an hour. However I can’t tell you anything about what we talked about: doctor/patient confidentiality.

    Do you have a weapon, Mr Owens?

    I wouldn’t call it a weapon. I always have my fishing knife with me. It’s very sharp. I use it to kill and open the fish I catch. Did I tell you I love fishing?

    Do you have a pet?
    439 actually. Goldfish. They aren’t really pets, they’re more like roommates. They live here with me, they’re like friends, very close friends.

    Officer: 439? That’s a lot!

    What?! How dare you judge me! You don’t know anything about me or my life!

    Well, thank you for your time and cooperation. As a suspect, you are not allowed to leave New York City. I must also tell you that you can call a lawyer if you want to. That will be all, Mr Owens. Oops!

    You idiot! Look what you’ve done! You’ve just killed Clive! Murderer! Killer! What people say about the police is true! Leave my apartment right now or I’ll… Hey! Dont touch me!


July 21, 2023

I am probably not the right nationality or sex for this recording, but you didn't specify so I did it anyway. I changed flatmate to roommate as flatmate is British English.


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