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Swahili Audio Request

133 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments

Elimu ni ufunguo wa maendeleo ya Afrika lakini katika maeneo kadhaa shule na vyuo vikuu bado ni vichache. "Deutsche Welle Learning by Ear – Noa bongo! Jenga maisha yako" kinaleta elimu katika kila eneo la bara hilo.
Maisha yanabadilika kwa haraka katika bara la Afrika: Mtandao wa Internet pamoja na matumizi ya simu za mkononi yanazidi kukua, lakini maelfu ya watu bado wametengwa na dunia ya vyombo vya mawasiliano. Vijana wa Kiafrika wanatafuta nafasi yao katika jamii ya dunia ambayo imejikita katika elimu na wanawaza ni njia gani itawafikisha katika kazi bora ama elimu bora. Kwa mfano, wengi wanajiuliza ni nafasi gani za elimu na mafunzo zinapatikana katika mtandao na ni nafasi gani utandawazi unaweza kusaidia. Maelfu kwa maelfu wanataka kwenda kupata elimu katika bara la Ulaya, lakini hawafahamu kile kitakachotokea huko waendako.



July 10, 2014

Thank you very much!!

July 10, 2014

Do you think you'll find it helpful? Responding to Swahili requests only makes sense if it is.

July 10, 2014

I think I will! I'm wanting to learn Swahili, which as I'm sure you know is not an easy language to find resources for compared to say, French. I've been able to find written resources and videos of people speaking Swahili but very few free or inexpensive sources for the two together so that I can actually match up the words with what they sound like. So I really appreciate you recording that!

July 16, 2014

I've been wondering whether the Mbinu passage represents texts that are useful for your study. My recommendation would be to find simpler, more colloquial sources. For example, take a look at Hadithi za Esopo ( I'd be happy to read some of those for you.

I just searched for 'colloquial swahili' and found Colloquial Swahili: The Complete Course for Beginners. I don't trust the free downloads and it's $33 at Amazon. If you check it out, I'd very much appreciate your opinion about it.
