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English Audio Request

279 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

An individual's whole experience is built upon the plan of his language. There are no full stops to the language learning process. But just like every drop makes an ocean, every new word adds to your wealth of vocabulary.

There is no alternative to reading books for enriching your word power. As I mentioned earlier in " Learning By Reading" by books I do not mean academic books-which you already must be consuming by the mouthful-but books which captivates your interest and keeps you absorbed and engrossed.

The advantage with reading books that caters to your tastes, interests and fascinations, is that they help you assimilate and retain the theme and content to a considerable extent.

Newspapers and Magazines are also rich sources for enriching your word power. Newspapers have multi-purpose values. They inform, enlighten, entertain and educate the readers. To a great extent the language is flawless and the communication is crisp and to the point. You rarely come across flabby news content. By flabby, I mean, fattened up news copy with lot of unnecessary and irrelevant matter. In newspapers you are exposed to different presentation styles for news, features, editorials, analysis etc.

Another important source for enriching your word power is the BBC. Those who regularly stay tuned in to the BBC programs have developed remarkable proficiency in the English language.

You should also stay tuned in to Discovery and National Geographic channels not just for its enriching content, but also the commentaries that accompany the captivating visuals. The advantage with watching these channels regularly is that the combination of rich visuals and commentary has the potential to leave an everlasting impression and impact on your mind.




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