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English Audio Request

273 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

If you don't live in an English-speaking country, and you don't have friends or family to speak English with, where can you practise your English speaking skills?

It's easier to have a conversation if you have a reason to speak – something to talk about. These ideas all give you a reason to speak with another person.

Start a film or book club

Invite people to discuss a film that you all watch together, or a book that you are all reading. Prepare questions before, to help people talk about specific aspects.

Volunteer to help other people

Does your town or company often welcome foreign guests? Can you offer to translate for them? Or perhaps you can offer to help children or students with their English homework.

Take part in a film conversation

Watch a film on DVD, and decide in which part you can speak with the film character. Listen to what the character says (and the reply) then rewind, and either mute or pause the DVD after the film character speaks. Take the other character's role, and reply to the first character. You can also find film scripts on the imsdb site. Print it out, then practise taking a role in the film.

Use skype

Chat with other people in the penpal forum via skype. You can get to know them first by writing to them, then invite them for a conversation.

Take English lessons

This is the most expensive option, but paying for private or group lessons is a good way to regularly practise your English. If you have a job, maybe your company can also arrange lessons for you.


  • How to practise your English speaking ( recorded by Subito ), American (Midwestern)

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